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The platform for direct accreditation to the interchange system

PantaRhei is the Adiuto platform module that allows direct accreditation with the Interchange System, through a web application that acts as transmitter and receiver, placing itself between the Adiuto installation and the Sogei systems. The data/file exchange takes place entirely through WebServices. The platform then conveys passive invoices, active invoices, and receipts.

The PantaRhei "engine" manages the exchange of documents between local Adiuto and SdI:

Transmission: the active invoices to be sent to the SdI are managed. Sending is done through WebServices - SdICoop, the system has immediate feedback (SdI ID) for each document. 

Receipt: Each document is imported and matched to the reference company. Messages: area for managing receipts that are then matched to the respective active invoices.


Single Platform

A single system for receiving and sending electronic invoicing flows as well as order flows to and from the Public Administration (NSO), capable of relating these flows to the rest of the company's processes, both passive and active cycles. A real manager of processes that have dialogue with the SdI as their starting or ending point. The style sheet associated with XML files is fully customizable (one can see the invoice as it is best for the users).



The system integrates with any ERP platform through open connectors, this makes Adiuto better able to deal with any changes, now on the agenda in all types of companies.



The system automates any operation related to B2B, from the sending of courtesy emails with multi-channel logic, to the interaction with ERP systems, to the management of attachments, all while continuing to manage even the remaining paper, always in an automatic way. Notifications coming from the interchange system trigger workflows that can interact directly with enterprise ERPs to automate controls and procedures.